BWV 1 — Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern

BWV 1, "How beauteous beams the morning star".


This Church cantata of Johann Sebastian Bach had composed in 1725 in Leipzig and conducted the first performance on the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary, 25 March 1725, which in that year fell on palm Sunday. Bach by the time he wrote cantatas for the second year served as a Cantor in Leipzig, and this festival was the only instance during lent, when I was allowed to festive music. A hymn expressing the longing for the coming of the Savior, is associated with the announcement to Mary about the birth of Jesus (the Annunciation). The theme of arrival, also suitable for palm Sunday, marking the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem.

Cantata Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (BWV 1), recorded in 1980, from the Complete collection of works by Johann Sebastian Bach, published by Hanssler record company in 2000.